Εθνικό Πολιτικό Κίνημα Ιερός Λόχος

Εθνικό Πολιτικό Κίνημα Ιερός Λόχος
Όπως για τους πιστούς στον Χριστό η Ορθοδοξία είναι η μοναδική οδός προς την διάσωση της Ψυχής τους, έτσι και για τους Εθνικιστές ο Εθνικός Κοινωνισμός είναι η μοναδική οδός για την διάσωση του Έθνους. Ο δικός μας αγώνας είναι Εθνικός, Φιλολαϊκός,υπέρ της Πατρίδος και Πίστεως. Είμαστε τόσο αντικουμμουνιστές όσο και αντικαπιταλιστές. Εθνικό Πολιτικό Κίνημα Ιερός Λόχος

Πέμπτη 28 Απριλίου 2022

ΑΠΟΚΛΕΙΣΤΙΚΟ : Άρθρο του Ρώσσου ιστορικού Nickolai Selishchev για την συνεισφορά της Ελλάδος και της Σερβίας στην έκβαση του Β΄ Παγκ. Πολέμου!

Χριστός Ανέστη!!!

Είναι γνωστό ότι ο Σύλλογός μας, από την 1η στιγμή που ξεκίνησε η πρόσφατη Ρωσσο-ΝΑΤΟϊκή (Ρωσσο-Ουκρανική) διένεξη και η μονόπλευρη κατασυκοφάντηση της Ρωσσίας από τους εγχώριους κλακαδόρους της Νέας Τάξης και τα κατευθυνόμενα ΜΜΕ, 

έσπευσε να τονίσει τους κινδύνους στους οποίους εμπλέκουν τη χώρας μας με το εμπάργκο στη Ρωσσία (εξαγωγές φρούτων, φυσικό αέριο, τουρισμός) και με την αποστολή στρατιωτικού εξοπλισμού στην Ουκρανία (εξοπλισμό που στερούν από τον Ελληνικό στρατό), 
  • αρχικά με μια 1η άμεση αντίδραση-διαμαρτυρία στο Λευκό Πύργο Θεσσαλονίκης στις 5/3/2022 (εδώ
  • μια βδομάδα αργότερα με μεγάλη συγκέντρωση - πορεία στις 13/3/2022 στους κεντρικούς δρόμους της Θεσσαλονίκης (εδώ)
  • και στη συνέχεια με μηχανοκίνητη πορεία με στάση έξω από το Προξενείο των ΗΠΑ, στις 2/4/2022 (εδώ)
τονίζοντας τους σημαντικούς μακραίωνους δεσμούς φιλίας με τον ομόδοξο Ρωσσικό λαό.

Οι μέρες περνάνε, 
οι τιμές σε καύσιμα και φυσικό αέριο ανεβαίνουν συνεχώς προκαλώντας τεράστιες επιπτώσεις στην ελληνική οικονομία, η ελληνική κυβέρνηση αναζητά απεγνωσμένα λύσεις, 
και μία ακόμη φορά αποδεικνύεται αν είχαμε ή όχι δίκιο, να αντιδρούμε στην τυφλή νεοταξική υπακοή.

Ως αποτέλεσμα των δράσεων μας (δράσεις που όπως μας πληροφορούν δημοσιοποιήθηκαν σε τηλεοπτικά κανάλια της Ρωσσίας!)
εδώ και λίγες ημέρες είχαμε την τιμή να επικοινωνήσει μαζί μας ο Ρώσσος ιστορικός Nickolai Selishchev, ο οποίος μάλιστα όπως μας είπε έχει Ελληνικές ρίζες, 
ο οποίος μπήκε στον κόπο να μεταφράσει στα αγγλικά σχετική του δημοσίευση (του 2009) για την σημασία που είχε η αντίσταση της Ελλάδος στα γερμανικά στρατεύματα και ειδικά η μάχη της Κρήτης,  στην νίκη των Σοβιετικών και συνεπώς στην έκβαση του Β' παγκοσμίου πολέμου.  
Ως γνωστό η επιχείρηση Μπαρμπαρόσα αντί να ξεκινήσει στις 15 Μαΐου 1941 όπως είχε αρχικά σχεδιαστεί, ξεκίνησε τελικά στις 22 Ιουνίου 1941, ενώ άλλαξαν και τα σχέδια της επίθεσης μετά την συντριβή των Γερμανών αλεξιπτωτιστών και τις τεράστιες απώλειες των Γερμανών στην μάχη της Κρήτης. 
Ο ιστορικός είχε μελετήσει Ελληνικές, Σερβικές και Ρωσσικές ιστορικές πηγές για το θέμα, αρκετές από τις οποίες είναι άγνωστες στην Ελλάδα. Διαβάσαμε αναφορές του από τον Μεταξά και τον αρχιεπίσκοπο Αθηνών Δαμασκηνό μέχρι τους Ουστάσι, τον Βασιλέα Γεώργια ΙΙ και την συνεισφορά του ιερέως του θωρηκτού Αβέρωφ!  Δεκάδες οι παραθέσεις σημαντικών ανακοινώσεων και εγγράφων της εποχής στην εργασία του Ρώσσου ιστορικού.

Αξίζει να επισημάνουμε την αδιαφορία του Ελληνικού κράτους όταν ο Ρώσσος ιστορικός επικοινώνησε με Ελληνικές αρχές αναζητώντας τις ρίζες του (οι συγγενείς του έφυγαν από την νησιωτική Ελλάδα μετά το τέλος του ρωσσοτουρκικού πολέμου). 
Όπως χαρακτηριστικά μας έγραψε σε κάποια επικοινωνία του ο Ρώσσος ιστορικός:  
« My relatives were of the Greek origin, they left Greece in the 18 th century and arrived to
Russia. They never forgot their origin and this fact became a point of family’s verbal tradition.
Keeping the Greek surname, they became the Russian officials and officers. I tried to know in
the modern Greece, from which Greek locality (island) they had origin. I proposed to pay money
for several scientific centers in Athens for research. All these centers even didn’t answer me! So,
the question isn’t in Mitsotakis Jr. or in Evangelos Venizelos. If the governing circle prefers to
forget any traces of the glorious national past, the consequences can be numerous – from
demography to the sea security (or non-security).»

Παραθέτουμε το σημαντικό αυτό επιστημονικό άρθρο
μεταφρασμένο στα αγγλικά από τον συγγραφέα-ιστορικό αποκλειστικά για τον Ιερό Λόχο 2012 ( ο ιστορικός διέκοψε κάθε άλλη του εργασία και προχώρησε στην μετάφραση του άρθρου του στα αγγλικά, όταν πριν λίγες ημέρες του το ζητήσαμε): 
Στην ρωσσική του έκδοση μπορείτε να το βρείτε δημοσιευμένο εδώ: 

Πριν την μετάφραση του κυρίως άρθρου, παρατίθεται από τον συγγραφέα ο κάτωθι πρόλογος:

As a preface I must explain, that I studied the beautiful scientific work «The Battle of Crete» (ISBN 960-7897-41-2), which was published in Athens, in 2000 year by Hellenic Army General Staff Army Historic Directorate. The Greek edition was prepared in 1959 year by Lieutenant-General Konstantinos Kanellopoulos, the English edition in 2000 year – by  Lieutenant-General Ioannis Kakoudakis. He writes in Prologue: «The resistance offered by the Allied (British and Commonwealth) forces, the Hellenic Army troops  and the armed and unarmed civilians on the island delayed the Germans by six weeks in implementing their «Operation Barbarossa», the invasion of the Soviet Union. Thus, the sacrifices of the participants in this battle indirectly contributed to the ultimate defeat of Nazi Germany in the war».

   I wanted to check up this conclusion and after my study of our military sources I understood, that this conclusion is absolutely  true, although, unfortunately, isn’t known in Russia. From the other side, the numerous Russian and Serb military sources are unknown in Greece. By I found, that the significance of the successful military efforts of the Greek and Allied troops  on Crete was even much more serious, as Army Historic Directorate thinks.

  Of course, the Greek and Allied troops left Crete, but Germany suffered catastrophic losses in airborne landing forces. Germany not only lost six weeks in its preparations, but it had to change «Barbarossa» plan and rejected to use mass airborne landings against us. We could move to frontier important reserves, which played decisive role from the beginning of war. 

  Because of the fact, that I wrote only an article, not a book, I hadn’t place to give all references. When I used the HAGS edition, I didn’t quote it, but set out (explained) with some my commentaries. For example, I bought the rare disk of historical Greek speeches and military marches, I know the history of military technics etc. I checked up the way of enemy’s (the German, the  Austrian) generals, which attacked Greece, Yugoslavia and the Soviet Russia.  I know the history of the Greek Alexandria’s community, so I explained, why the Greek forces were evacuated from Crete to this port.  So, I could  add the information in HAGS edition.

  I explained in my publication of 2009 year the  genealogical and some biographical details about the Greek Royal family and about some Greek and Serb statesmen. As far as admiral A.Sakellariou, it must be underlined, that to reconstruct his way was the most difficult.  I found only some Greek traces, although among the serious sources. As far as the Serb circles, I studied the different  Serb materials, including the collective Serb work about the Patriarch Gavriil and his political ideas.

  Having aim during years, I collected sources for  biographical reconstruction. For example, in Athens I bought  very old issue of «Εκκλησια»-periodical (at 15th May 1968 year) with obituary about metropolitan Dionisios (Papanikolopoulos), the former priest of cruiser «Avertof». Later in  the Synod’s Moscow Library I studied the 5th volume of ΘΗΕ (1964 year) with other variant of his biography. In my publication of 2009 year there is the summary from the both these sources.  

  Of course, I informed A.A.Senin, that the Greek military army’s attaché, who officially worked in Moscow, politely gifted me this edition of the Greek General Staff.  A.A.Senin didn’t express any disagreement. For illustration I proposed the photo of cruiser «Averof» from one Greek edition, which I bought in 1995 year, when I visited Poros island. A.A.Senin agreed and sent  this photo to newspaper’s issue and to web-site.  

  I must add, that the former Greek naval attaché, who officially worked in Moscow, told me in telephone talk (when we discussed in English the common strategic situation of 1941 year), that admiral Sakellariou in 1941 year saved the gold reserve of Greece and transferred it in emigration. So, I hadn’t possibility to consider in my article all aspects, but I kept them  in my mind during the work. I translated into English all my publication of 2009 year, which in Russian has 32 500 symbols in its computer variant.


Η μετάφραση της δημοσίευσης:


 How Yugoslavia and Greece helped us on the eve of the Great Patriotic war  


Cruiser-museum «Averof». Island Poros. Greece.

   18th December 1940 year Hitler signed directive No 21 Barbarossa about war with Soviet Union, about annihilation of Russia and Russian people. The date of invasion – 15th May 1941 year. Why the war was began much more later – 22nd June 1941 year?
   Hitler, already invaded to the Soviet Union, declared at 16th July 1941 year:  «The main keynote is –  the  creation of military power  westwards Ural never wouldn’t be stay again on the agenda of the day, if we would   fight for it one hundred years.  All  Fuhrer’s  followers  must know, that Reich would be in security  only when westwards from Ural wouldn’t be the enemy’s troops». On the occupied territory military-transport «Junkers-52»  aircrafts had to drop bombs to the Russian peaceful population and to annihilate it by the way – «…to shooting everybody, who cast a side-long glance at the  German» («Military Historical Magazine», 1994, No 4, p. 70 – 72).
   It is common talks about «Anti-Comintern (Trilateral) pact» of Germany – Italy – Japan and their satellites.  But this pact was rough camouflage.  Mussolini in the past was scandalous-known socialist, who appealed to class’s struggle. Becoming «duce»,  Mussolini named Italy as «fascist-proletarian» country, as testified  de Gaulle in the third (non-published in Russia) volume of his memoires –  «La salut 1944-1946» (see fragment in «Military Historical Magazine», 1991, No. 2, p. 3 – 7).
   Among the German Nazi there were many former social-democrats and even communists, which worked in the propagandist department of Goebbels.

    Greece and Yugoslavia at those time were the Orthodox monarchies. In Greece on the last before-war elections (26th January 1936 year) the weak Communists in alliance with other lefts stood as All-people front, which, meanwhile, received less than 6 per cent of votes and only 15 seats from 300 in parliament. They couldn’t influence to parliament’s decisions. But at 4th August 1936 year General Ioannis Metaksas in agreement of king George II dismissed the parliament and all political parties. Non-party’s right monarchist regime remained in Greece and after the enigmatical death of Metaksas until to the day of the German invasion at 6th April 1941 year.

     In Yugoslavia parties didn’t play significant role, bit communist party remained out of law since the epoch of king Alexander Karageorgievich (he was assassinated in 1934 year).  
     The German invasion to Greece and Yugoslavia wasn’t «a struggle with Communist International», but was the struggle    for  Lebensraum – «for  vital  space»,  for  Serb  copper, for Greek merchant fleet, for harvest, which was confiscated from Orthodox Serb and Greek peasants. After beginning of the occupation of Yugoslavia, Nazis  sent an agent to old politician Nikola Uzunovich, the prime-minister of royal Yugoslavia in 1926 – 1927 years and in 1934 year and hard Serb nationalist.  They proposed him to sign an anti-communist appeal, but received the rejection: «Today there is war, and in the military time I don’t sign anything. We shall decide our affaires on the elections, by the political way, but not with the help of Germans».


In the circles of Damaskinos (Papandreu) (+1949), Archbishop (First Hierarch) of Athens, there was the same opinion.

  [*In the following paragraph of my publication of 2009 year I used in brief the detailed  information from the following Greek book: Ηλία Βενέζη Αρχιεπίσκοπος Δαμασκηνός. Οι χρόνοι της δουλείας. Βιβλιοπωλείον της «Εστίας», Ι.Α.Κολλάρου & Σιας Α.Ε.  Αθήνα, 1981.  This book is absent even in the gigantic State Russian Library in Moscow, which has multi-million collection of books on all languages, including little Greek section. Being young historian-journalist, in 1998 year I had seen this book in one provincial book-shop in Greece. Unfortunately, the book-shop was closed, but charming Greek lady opened it and permitted me to choose books and to buy them. Having interest to Damaskinos’s biography, I was joyful to buy this book for 2600 Drachmes of those times.]

  The Germans and the Italians organized in Greece the terrible hunger, closed maternity hospitals and common hospitals. The occupants   caught the Greek  boys  and depraved  them.

[In Greek original there is the following phrase –   Χιλιαδες παιδιά  εξωσχολικής  ηλικίας  αλήτευαν, ἤ συναναστρέφονταν  τούς  Γερμανούς και τούς  Ιταλούς, ἤ  έκαναν  μαύρο  εμπόριο, p. 167].  

 To save children from «the new order» became the aim of the Church, which created her own network of midwifes and hospital nurses, they helped to orphans and women in childbirth at home [I meant the church organization Ε.Ο.Χ.Α. and its activity].  The fascists became furious.

 [I translated from Greek to Russian one dialogue and gave it in my publication of 2009 year in the Russian translation. In the Greek original (p. 252 – 253) this dialogue is the following:

«Ο  Πληρεξούσιος της Ιταλίας, ο Chigi, ρώτησε  την  προϊστάμενη  της  Υπηρεσίας  της  προστασίας  απορφανισθεισών  οικογενειών:

---  Γιατί  δίνετε  χρήματα  μόνο  σέ οικογένειες  εκτελεσθέντων και όχι και σε  οικογένειες  τσολιάδων των Ταγμάτων Ασφαλείας;

--- Δεν  μπορώ, Εξοχώτατε.

--- Γιατί δεν παίρνετε θέσιν ως ιθύνουσα τάξις εναντίον του κομμουνισμού;

--- Όταν θα φύγετε, κύριε, θα πάρουμε θέση. Τώρα είμαστε όλοι Έλληνες.  

Ηταν ή θέσις της Αρχιεπισκοπής»].

   And in war against the Soviet Union anticommunism was lie for paralyze and destroy our resistance. Goebbels wrote at 29th March 1941 year in diary:

«Psychologically in solution of the Russian problem there are some difficulties – analogy with Napoleon’s campaign. But, using the slogans of anti-Bolshevism, we shall easy get over them. The Russian peasants will become the object of our propaganda» («Military Historical Magazine», 1996, No. 1, p. 45).
   At 29th April 1941 year the Germans increased the staff «Oldenburg» – for organized plundering and assassination of the Russian population.  Plan  «Oldenburg», as tied with it the plan «Оst»,  –  there was the part of  «Barbarossa»-plan.
   In Berlin at 2nd May 1941 year the Germans decided: «Undoubtedly,  if we will be able to pump out from country all, that it is necessary for us, the tens of millions people will die of hunger death» («History of the Second World War»,  Moscow, 1974, volume 3, p. 230, there is quotation from the German archive file according to Barbarossa plan, p. 362).
   The capture of Greece and Yugoslavia were outwardly independent operations, but in reality they were inseparably linked by Berlin to «Barbarossa»-plan.
    At 13th December 1940 year, five days before the directive No.21 «Barbarossa», the directive No. 20 «Marita» determined the new aim – the Orthodox monarchist Greece.  I shall remind, that strong fascist Italy attacked Greece at 28th October 1940 year, but was defeated. Germany for preventing the full defeat of Italian-Albanian armies of Mussolini decided to capture Greece. The preparation for wars against Greece and the Soviet Union  was conducted simultaneously.
   For it the Germans needed Yugoslavia as puppet «ally». And at 25th March  1941 year  the Germanophile prime-minister of Yugoslavia Tsvetkovich signed in Vienna the treaty about joining to «Trilateral pact» of Germany – Italy – Japan. In Berlin  the operation «Marita» (occupation of Greece) was determined to the 28th March.  
   But during the night of 27th March 1941 year in Belgrade the military coup d’etat occurred. Prince Paul, the regent of Yugoslavia, was arrested, the government of Tsvetkovich was overthrown. 17-years old king Peter II Karageorgievich assumed power. The coup d’etat aroused exultation throughout Serbia – from Patriarch Gavriil (Dozhich) (+1950) till simple peasants  – in such degree for Serbs the thought about «friendship» and «alliance» with Germany was unacceptable. Patriarch Gavriil in years of occupation prisoner of Nazi concentration camps. Being liberated by the Americans, he decidedly rejected to meet with Pope Pius XII, and in 1948 year held a speech in Moscow’s pan-Orthodox anti-Catholic   conference.
   Some persons explained the military coup d’etat at 27th March 1941 year as a result of actions of «Anglo-phile circles of Serb bourgeoisie». No! The national proud, not the Anglo-philia, moved Serbs. Anglo-German rivalry had only several decades of its history and by its force could not be compared with many centuries antagonism on the Balkans.

     The government was led  by 59-years old Colonel-General Dushan Simovich, the chief of the Yugoslavian General Staff. He fought with Turks in 1912 – 1913 years, later with the Germans, Austrians and Turks in the First World War 1914 – 1918 years, ended it in rank of Colonel. .
   Hitler, Reich-chancellor (head of the government), Reich-president (head of the state) and commander-in-chief immediately by directive No 25  ordered to annihilate Yugoslavia. His orders  preliminary were work  out by the German General Staff and by government,  by this reason during Nurnberg process the Soviet Union insisted, that not only Gestapo, SS and SD, but the German government and General Staff would be recognized as criminal organizations.  

    Goebbels in diary at 30th March 1941 year with self-confidence wrote: The preparation to actions on the Balkans is almost completed.  Nobody abroad doesn’t know nothing about plans of furer» («Military Historical Magazine», 1996, No. 1, p. 44).
   But our General Staff knew this. Marshal of the Soviet Union I.Ch. Bargamian, at that time Colonel and the chief of the operational  section of the staff of Kiev’s special military region, remembered about the end of March 1941 year: «From the capital the chief of staff [Lieutenant-General M.A.Purkayev]  brought the last news.  In particularly, he explained, that in Moscow [leadership] make anxious about the development of events in Yugoslavia. In the General Staff there are reports, that Hitler chose Yugoslavia as next victim and prepares to occupy it. Because of the fact, that the fate of peoples of this country is far non-indifferent for our government, the complications in our relations with Germany can appear» (I.Ch.Bargamian. Thus we went to victory. Moscow, 1988, p. 29).
   Marshal Bargamian truly  names General Simovich and his companions-in-arms as men of «anti-Hitler’s mentality».  At 5th April 1941 year the Soviet Union concluded with them, with the government of the royal Yugoslavia 5-years treaty of friendship and non-aggression. But, as it is known, this act didn’t stop the Germans and their satellites, which attacked Yugoslavia and Greece on the next day – at 6th April 1941 year.
   Hitler’s directives No 20 and No 25 was fulfilled simultaneously. Their beginning was the barbaric air-bombardments of Serb and Greek cities.  Thus the Germans bombarded Belgrade unceasingly during 36 hours and killed more than 17 thousand peaceful inhabitants.

  The fierce resistance of the Yugoslavian army ended at 18th April 1941 year because of the «fifth column» – betrayers – Croates-Ustashes, which were hardly linked with Vatican, Italy and Germany.      King Peter II  (+1970) and government of General Simovich emigrated to Greece, from where to Egypt, at last, to London..
   In 1945 year, after the liberation of Yugoslavia, General Simovich (+1962) returned to Belgrade, where lived sufficiently free. .

Greece, losing at 27th April the capital – Athens, continued the struggle  on the new boundary of defense – on the Crete island. It  dominants  in the Mediterranean sea – near the Middle East, Egypt and Suez Cannel. The channel links with the Indian and Pacific oceans.
   At 25th April Crete became the target of the German directive No. 28  «Operation Mercury». By this reason at 30th April  1941 year the German leadership postponed data of invasion to the Soviet Union from the 15th May, from data, which became unrealizable, to more late data – at 22nd June. Why exactly 22nd? In this day, but in 1940 year, France capitulated. .
   The date of ending of war according to «Barbarossa» plan – before autumn 1941 year. Hitler spoke: «I shall not repeat mistakes of Napoleon. When I shall go to Moscow, I shall begin campaign enough early for  to reach it  before winter» («History of the Second World war», volume 3, p.235).
   Germany repeated «mistakes of Napoleon» because of overstrain  of forces in struggle for world supremacy. Our country thought only about defense.  
Bagramian wrote: «Soon after the beginning of occupation of Yugoslavia by fascists [=after 18th April. – N.S.] the General Staff ordered to introduce several important amendments  to the plan of defense of the state frontier. It was ordered for command of military region to considerably reinforce troops, which were moved forward to the frontier.  To it  additionally  four mechanized corpses, four infantry divisions and several formations and units of special forces were move up». All people were full of «unquestionable hatred to fascists». It is became apparent  in April 1941 year even  during review  in Kiev’s cinema (movie-house) film  «Alexander Nevsky»*: the defeat of Teutonic knights  onlookers apprehended  as victory over fascists  (p.30).

   [*This is famous drama  historical anti-German film of  1938 year production. In English Wikipedia there is article about this film (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Nevsky_(film). Often it is demonstrated today  on TV as legend of world cinema and it is displaced in Russian Internet. Our great composer S.S.Prokofyev, the man of genius,  wrote music especially for this film.  Unfortunately, the  English Wikipedia doesn’t mention such famous consultants as academician M.N.Tikhomirov, who decidedly rejected the first variant of scenario,  and professor of archeology A.V.Artsikhovsky, who gave information about the past. Their surnames are mentioned only in the Russian-speaking variant of Wikipedia (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Александр_Невский_(фильм))

   English Wikipedia wrongly  writes:  «After 23 August 1939, when the USSR signed the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, Alexander Nevsky was removed from circulation. However, the situation reversed dramatically on 22 June 1941 after the Axis invasion of the Soviet Union, and the film rapidly returned to Soviet and western screens».

  In reality in April 1941 year, as Marshal Bargamian remembered, this film was in mass cinema’s network. This film is devoted to bloody events of 1237 – 1242 years, when Russia was between two dangerous threats – Mongols-Tatars from the East and the German crusaders from the West. This film in details reconstructs The Battle on the Ice, or the Battle of Lake Peipus at April 5, 1242. The specialized «Military Encyclopedic Dictionary» (Moscow, 2nd edition, 1986) gives two maps of this Battle and commentary. The German army had 10 – 12 thousand and moved in wedge-formation, where the heavy armored knights were the decisive attacking force. The German infantry was located inside  the wedge. Our Russian army had 15 – 17 thousand men, but  of them were placed on the flanks. The German knight’s cavalry wedge  broke our center, but was fettered by hand-to-hand fighting  and soon encircled from the flanks by our counter-strokes. Our  cavalry reserve attacked additionally from the left flank. The Germans were defeated and run away. 400 German knights were killed and 50 knights were taken as  war-prisoners (p.393 – 394). This great battle can be compared with the similar great battles in the Europe: in the famous battle near Bouvines (1214 year)  about 30 thousand from the both sides took part (p.104), in the famous battle near Crecy-en-Ponthieu (1346 year)  28 – 40 thousand men from the both sides took part (p.373).

  Episodes of film, which are  mentioned by Marshal Bargamian, are  devoted to the last stage of the The Battle on the Ice – when the full defeat of the German crusaders were shown.]


With the aim to cheat us and to exaggerate the power of Germany Hitler, speaking at 5th May 1941 year in Reichstag, sharply underestimated of figures of the German losses on the Balkans.  And today  there are dilettantes-«historians», which take in trust these Berlin’s propagandist pearls and create an impression, that the German soldier had beat several countries by a wave of his hand.    
   At 13th May, after the German occupation of Yugoslavia and continental Greece, our General Staff «…gave directive to move troops from internal military regions to west»  –   28 infantry divisions and 4 army’s administrations (G.K.Zhukov. Recollections and reflections. The 11th edition, added according to manuscript of author. Moscow,  1992, volume  1, p. 361).
   During those weeks Germany and Italy prepared «operation Mercury» – to capture Crete. The island was at first defenseless. .
   But the chief of General  Staff of the Greek Navy  rear-admiral  Alexander  Sakellariou withdrew to Crete and later to Egypt 16 survived Greek military ships, mostly destroyers, on the head of flagship – the famous armored cruiser «Averof» (today it is ship-museum, see photo).

     The Greek Navy continued war in the Mediterranean sea  and together with the English forces secured marches of convoys to Persian gulf – across Iran we received cargos according to lend-lease.  This way of lend-lease  was discussed during the Tehran’s conference of Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill in 1943 year.


Today the American Internet-Wikipedia doesn’t  give even biography of Sakellariou. In Athens the spheres don’t hurry to remind him – he was linked with dictator Metaksas and was «non-tolerable».  Sakellariou obtained to full admiral and in  1951 – 1952 years was minister of defense of royal Greece. He was staunch monarchist. After joining of Greece to NATO he resigned.

    56-years old ship’s priest father Dionisios (Papanikolopoulos) (+1968), the participant of three wars against the Turks, saved the armored cruiser «Averof».  He  convinced  seamen not to pass cruiser to the Germans, but he inspirited seamen to break-throughto Crete, after that to Egypt.  «Averof» was moved to Bombay,  in the  British India.  Father Dionisios continued pastor’s service and was promoted to captain of the 3rd rank (προαγεται εις αντιπλοιαρχον). In  1944 year, after the liberation of continental Greece, he was ordinated to metropolitan of Ierissos and St. Athos. В 1951 – 1967 years – metropolitan in Edessa and Pella, on the north of Greece.  In  1967 year he was expelled by junta from his diocese.  In the modern Russia the name of metropolitan Dionisios, unfortunately, is unknown.

    At 23rd April  1941 year the Greek king George  II   Glucksburg [in traditional Russian  translation – Глюксбург], or great-great-grandson of our Emperor Nickolai I, immediately appealed the Greek  not to lose courage  and to struggle against Germany until victory. King-officer was always unpretentious, pulled up man of decision.  The appeal to the Greek nation he had read by calm firm voice.  
Already at 26th April, on the next day after singing by Hitler the directive about capture of Crete, the English intelligence service knew the content of this directive and at 29th April informed the defenders of island.  
   In spite of strikes of the German aviation to the English and Greek ships, to Crete is was possible to transfer  by sea the considerable forces from  continental part of Greece, which was already captured. The Greek command circles decided truly: not to scatter (disperse) forces on perimeter of the vast mountainous island, but to concentrate  them in the places of  probable enemy’s landing  – near Maleme airfield and  in large townsChania, Rethymno and Herakleion.
   King George II at 9th May  1941 year issued order about the rehabilitation of all officers, which were early dismissed from army by political reasons. Crete became near-front zone.  The liaison was supported by runners from the local non-Party youth patriotic organization. The Greek soldiers and gendarmes were armed by polytypic  trophy rifles.  100 – 200 rounds per rifle,  often even less.
 In the beginning of the Great Patriotic war our divisions of people’s voluntary forces were equipped by the similar way. They often had trophy’s rifles of the First World War  and even shotguns, when there is a lack of famous Mosin’s rifles. The Greek soldier even with single-loading French rifle Gras  of 1874 year model fought with courage, as our Tula’s and Moscow’s volunteer with Russian single-loading rifle Berdan of 1870 year model.
   Till 20th May 1941 year king George II collected 8
пехотных полков, regiment depot battalions,   Gendarmerie School and  Military Academy of Cadets. Totally –  474 officers and  10 977  enlisted men. Commander was Major-General Achilleus Skoulas.  In Gendarmerie’s  posts in villages and on the ways, in the partisan detachments from trained local peasants there were still more from  3 до 4 thousand men. Commanders were  village’s chiefs, reserve officers  and even the Orthodox clerics.  
Together with the Greeks Crete was defended by the Englishmen, Australian and New Zealanders – 1 512 officers and 29 900 enlisted men. Commander was New Zealander  Major-General Bernard Freyberg. To whom the Greeks, which excellently knew the defensed locality, were subordinated. By this reason, for example, the 10th New Zealand Brigade consisted of two Greek  infantry regiments (the 6th and the 8th), of the  Composite New Zealand battalion and dismounted New Zealander cavalrymen  of Major Russell. They protected  approaches  to town  Chania.  
Crete had  151 artillery pieces, including  62 anti-aircraft guns and 4  anti-tank guns,  16 light tanks and  9 medium  – strongly armored  «Matilda-II». They were dispersed to key sectors of defense. The main part of the Cretan air-defense the Germans weren’t  able to discover due to Cretan excellent camouflage.  
The serious and inexplicable error of the Englishmen – the withdrawal of aviation from Crete. The Germans continued the destroying bombardments of the English cities until to 11th May 1941 year.  General Charles de Gaulle considered, that if England would not keep her aviation, her fleet without air-support wouldn’t be able to prevent the German invasion, and  small in numbers (scanty)  English army wouldn’t  stop the Germans («Military memoires. Appeal.  1940 – 1942 years». Moscow,  2003, p. 122).
   But, as experience of the Great Patriotic war showed, it was necessary in any case every day to use aviation – for encouragement of ground troops and for frustration of the enemy’s bombardments.  Often already obsoleted, but  as usual the  light, reliable and manoeuvrable  fighters
И-16* и И-153* of Polikarpov’s construction  took off for interceptions.


  [*I must explain for You, that our letter И is pronounced as long English sound  [i:]. The gigantic technical literature and memoires are devoted to these our fighters. In brief I can tell, that the monoplane  И-16 was firstly used in Spain in 1936 year against the German fighters «Heinkel-51» and Italian «Fiat-СR32» and gained in dogfights even when the much more numerous enemy had air-superiority. Because of its rapid vertical attacks И-16 was friendly nicknamed as «mosca» [=troublesome small fly] by the Spanish republicans  and  furiously nicknamed as «rata» [=rat] by the Franco’s rebels and by the  Moors.  И-16  successfully fought since 1936 year and against the first variants of «Messerschmitt-109» (B, B2, C, D), which were tested by the Germans in Spain.  In 1937 – 1938 years  in the Southern China И-16 successfully fought against the Japanese newest fighters «Mitsubishi A5M-2a» (or Type  96). Biplane И-153 was created as the third progressive variant of previous famous И-15 biplane and was friendly nicknamed by us as «чайка»  [=sea-gull]. И-153 made excellently quick horizontal air-turn,  being firstly and successfully used in 1939 year in Mongolian sky, in the  Battle of Khalkhin  Gol. Where in dogfights against the Japanese fighters «Mitsubishi A5M-2a» (or Type 96) and «Nakajima Ki-27» (or Type 97) both И-16 and  И-153 gained victory. Our И-16 and   И-153 met with «Gladiators» and «Fiat G50»-fighters  during the war against Finland (1939 – 1940 years),  when we quickly knocked out the Finnish aviation.  There were the machine gun and the air-gun  modifications  of the both our main fighters.  In spite of gradual modernization И-16 and newest  И-153 became obsolete only to  1941 year,  when the Germans, using the factories of all occupied Europe,  began the mass serial production of seriously modernized variant Me-109E, which was changed  after the Spanish experience.  The constructor of И-16, И-153 and many others types of aircrafts was Nickolai N.Polikarpov, who was nicknamed as «king of fighters».  He began his way before the revolution together with Igor I.Sikorsky in the gigantic  Russian aircraft factory РБВЗ  in Sankt-Petersburg. In 1918 year, during the revolution, Sikorsky (+1972) emigrated and later founded in the USA his own aircraft firm (today it is a part of air-concern «Lockheed Martin»), but Polikarpov (+1944) remained in the Soviet Russia, where afterwards, during the Great Patriotic war,  he was involved to missile’s secret program. In his speech of 1943 year for Moscow’s aviation’s circles N.N.Polikarpov expressed his esteem and sympathy to Igor Sikorsky and other Russian emigrants-constructors.  In my aviation’s historical publications of 2012 year in «The Russian Herald» about N.N.Polikarpov   I collected concrete examples, how  И-16 and И-153 resisted in air-battles even in very difficult conditions in 1941 –  1942 years].

Already in August  1941 year the Germans threw to Leningrad the 8th air-corps, which bombarded the Balkans and Crete,   –  400 new military aircrafts: fighters  «Messerschmitt-109» and  «Messerschmitt-110» and dive-bombers  «Junkers-87» with experienced equipages.  Our flyers in July made  5 – 6  combat air-sorties per day, till October  1941 year in spite of 5-times  enemy’s superiority  already  6 – 8  air-sorties per twenty-hour hours, sometimes –  till  10. «Quite often it happened that the flyer hadn’t time to land and  to taxi  to caponier, as he exactly here fell asleep  or lost consciousness» (Air Chief Marshal А.А. Novikov. «In sky of Leningrad». Moscow, 1970, p. 112, 152, 192).
   If the RAF would display resoluteness and  inventiveness –  it would be possible to  hold  Crete. But only once over island  12 obsolete light bombers  «Blenheim» appeared, twice 6 fighters  «Hurricane». Only this!
  Historians of the British Air Forces Richards and Saunders consider that decision to  come to Greece against the Germans was  «mistaken», because  «...strategically the security of Egypt was for England  much more important, than the security of Greece». The English government sent aircrafts for help to Greece at autumn 1940 year.   But each English bomber  «Blenheim» made average ... one combat air-sortie per week! English fighters  «Gloster Gladiator» fought successfully (Denis Richards and Hilary Saunders.  Royal Air Force 1939 – 1945 years.  Moscow, the Russian reduced translation, 1963, p. 179, 199).
   I shall disagree – the vastly obsolete fighters  «Gloster Gladiator-II» the Englishmen gradually crossed off register of RAF  and passed to the Greeks in extremely shabby condition.  This must be speak  and about  bombers  «Bristol Blenheim-I» and  «Bristol Blenheim-IV».
   The modern aircrafts – 18 fighters  «Hawker Hurricane» and  6 long-range  bombers «Vickers Wellington»
прибыли to Greece only in February 1941 year. In April the Greeks decided to transfer all their fighters (41 aircrafts) to Crete, but the Germans knew about it and annihilated them on the airfield in Greece.
London agreed with Air Chief Marshal  Tedder, that sending aviation to Crete would lead «only to  additional losses and loss of Egypt». «The loss of Crete, after the loss of Cyrenaica and Greece, aroused in the military circles the sharp criticism at our Air Forces. On the whole this criticism was true.  In Cairo many responsible men … accused Tedder in insufficient air-support of English army and fleet» (D.Richards, H.Saunders, p. 209, 212).
   Arthur Tedder  was influential military man.  For a long time he  resisted  to the opening of  «the second front». At 9th May 1945 year he  together with Marshal G.K.Zhukov, generals C. Spaatz  (from the USA) and  J. de Lattre de Tassigny (from the forces of de Gaulle) signed the act about  the unconditional surrender (capitulation)  of Germany in Karlshorst.

The German aviation, which attacked Crete at 20th May 1941 year,  – 4th Air-Fleet and 8th Air-corps had 1370 aircrafts! They took off from captured airfields of the continental Greece,  transferring the 7th Parachute division  and reinforced the 5th Mountain division –  15 thousand paratroopers. The German fleet had to transfer by sea additionally 7 thousand paratroopers. Later The Italians had to participate.  The Germans were armed by  submachine guns, machine guns,  mortars and artillery. The Cretan airfields and towns had to be captured during one day!
   The English-Greek troops  met the German paratroopers by aimed rifle and machine-gun fire. From the killed German paratroopers submachine-guns and machine-guns had been took off and immediately used against new waves of the German airborne landing. In hand-to-hand fights  the Greeks  had beat at  bayonet and  hurled the  hand grenades.
Near western-Cretan Maleme airfield the 3rd battalion of the German parachute  «Storm»-regiment  by noon at 20th May  lost till to  70 per cent of its  effectives (strength).  The commander of the regiment was wounded, and rapidly evacuated.  It had to underline, that later he appeared on the Soviet-German front.  The commander of the 7th Parachute division with his staff gone to sea’s bottom. The German colonel, the commander of paratroopers near Rethymno, was taken prisoner by the Greeks at 21st May together with all staff’s maps and operation orders, which were carried by him. Near Rethymno the Germans till the evening of 21st May lost 70 killed, 300 wounded and 200 prisoners. After attack to Herakleion town till  evening of 29th May the German parachute battalion lost 312 killed and 108 wounded.  The survived 70 submachine-gunners weren’t able to capture the local airfield.  
Soon, at 23rd May, near Herakleion the Germans used their usual brutal tactics – they covered themselves by the shield of captured women and children. The Greek Major  E. Tsangarakis  told: if our women and children wouldn’t be  release, I should shot your war-prisoners. The Germans immediately released the women-hostages.
   The allied troops fought courageously.  For example, in the 5th New Zealand infantry brigade, which defended Maleme airfield, during four days of fights from the  2810 men only 600 men remained.  Without tanks, with ten guns.  Till to 24th May each of  New Zealand and Australian brigade weakened such seriously, that had a strength of one-and-a-half usual battalion!
   But the Germans till to 24th May suffered unheard casualties –  3 340 paratroopers. The survived paratroopers  lost the formation  and were extremely  exhausted by uninterrupted fights.  They been replaced by the fresh landed  5th German Mountain division.  The English fleet sunk two Italian-German convoys, which transferred troops to Crete.
   All Nazi’s generals, which captured the Balkans and began the war with us in 1941 year,   – in the past were officers of the German Kaiser’s  and  Austrian-Hungarian  (Habsburg’s) armies.  Many of them fought with the Tsar’s Russia in the First World War. In the Soviet Union, in Yugoslavia, in Greece the Germans deliberately destroyed the hospital’s buildings, sunk  hospital’s ships,  excellently seen the symbol of the Red Cross! Towns Chania, Rethymno, Herakleion  were reduced  to flaming ruins, with non-working urban water-supply, with streets, which were  blocked up by  wreckages of pulled down buildings.

   The Greek king  George  II (+1947) was «enemy No.2» of Germany.  The German paratroopers tried to assassinate him and his cousin Prince Peter  (Prince Peter, an officer of the Greek army, was son of famous George [in Russian «Джорджи»], the Greek Prince, who saved Emperor Nickolai II, at that time Tsesarevich, during assassination attempt in Japan, in Otsu,  29.04.1891 year). Under the guard of the Greek gendarmes, New Zealand platoon and a part of the 2nd Greek infantry regiment king George  II, Prince Peter, the Greek ministers moved out through mountains at height of  2500 meters  – to the south of Crete.  This detachment  suffered fights  with the German paratroopers and  air-bombardments from strafed aircrafts.  This  detachment  slept on the ground  or in peasant house in  small secluded village. The three-days travel was ended successfully.  On the night of 23rd May the English destroyer took the king and his detachment and sailed to Egypt. Where king began again to collect forces for struggle against the Germans.
Without air-support, replenishment of ammunition,  medicaments and provisions the allied troops became weaker.  Town Chania was captured by enemy at 27th May, Herakleion and Rethymno – at 29h May.

  The main part of the allied troops, including the Greeks, in spite of enemy’s attacks, was evacuated by organized way to Egypt. Where, in Alexandria, the main base of the English Mediterranean fleet was located, where the numerous Greek community lived.  The English ships since 28th May to 1st June took troops from the southern bays of Crete. Those, who couldn’t be  evacuated, hid  in mountains and went to partisans. A part of defenders were taken prisoners, in concentrated camps, which were organized by Germans on… Maleme airfield and in former children’s camp of relax in Chania!
   At 28th May the German headquarters ordered directive with demands to analyze the combat experience of Balkans campaign («Military Historical Magazine», 1989, No. 5, p. 70).
   The German terror fell on the Greek heads. At 3th June 1941 year the occupants annihilated Cretan village Kandanos with all her  inhabitants. Later her fate were shared by  Hatyn’ [in Russian –
Хатынь] in Belorussia, Krasuha [in Russian – Красуха]  in Pskov’s region and thousands of Russian, Serb and Greek villages. The partisan struggle in Crete was continued during all war. The last fascists on island were enforced to put arms at 12 May 1945 year, after the singing of act of unconditional surrender in Berlin at 9th May 1945 year.

   Today the Greek government, depending on the people[s feelings, celebrated the 68th anniversary of ending of Battle for Crete. But it isn’t  talk about the strategic significance of battle, about the fascist terror. For example, Plakiotakis, the deputy of defense minister, spoke about «democratic countries of the world» and about «esteem» to Greece from the side of her «opponents».
   This bombastic phrase covered many. The Soviet Union as non-democratic country is thrown out from history. The Second World War is simplified to the simple scheme of struggle of democracies with their opponents. The Germans and the Italians already aren’t enemies (allies in NATO), but «opponents». Neither terror, nor violence, as in knight’s duel in the medieval epoch?
  Also  Plakiotakis underestimated in two times the German losses – 4 thousand parachutists.


In the Battle for Crete the German aviation lost 220 aircrafts and 150 others were seriously damaged.   The total losses of the German parachutists mounted to  8 thousand (These true data by one paragraph of small print is given by web-site of the united General Staff of Greece, but it covered them in the running line of memorable events at 1st June –  www.geetha.mil.gr?index.asp?_id=845).

  Germany was enforced to reject from mass airborne landings to Moscow, Leningrad, Tula, Nizhny Novgorod. This was the first failure of «Barbarossa»-plan. Before the 22nd June 1941 year.  

    According to  «Barbarossa»: «The Russian railways and communications in dependence on their significance for operation must be cut or destroyed  by capture important objects (river crossings), which are located near district of combat actions,  by courageous actions of airborne troops» («Military Historical Magazine», 1991, No. 3, p. 31).
   But after the enormous losses on Crete none «courageous actions of airborne troops» for Germany were already unrealizable. Germany used paratroopers in infantry and from time to time for small air-throws (Sofronov G.P. Airborne landings in the Second World War. Moscow, 1963, p. 48. 65).

    «World war 1939 – 1945 years» (Stuttgart, 1957; the Russian translation: Moscow, 1957) recognizes without details: «Fights for Crete  led to unheard losses among parachutists. Military-transport units suffered strongly and lost the great number of their aircrafts. This fairly  frightened the German supreme headquarters,  which  subsequently rejected from  carrying out of the  large-scale airborne landing operations... 1st June was the last day of fights on the Balkans.  Now the Germans  received the possibility, non-being under the flank’s threat  from the side of the Balkans, to finish the strategic  deployment of their forces against Russia» (p. 468).
   Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K.Zhukov, at that time – general of army and since the 1st February 1941 year the chief of the General Staff, wrote, that till to 1st June  1941 year already 120 German divisions of full strength were transferred to our frontier: «Hitler’s government  by hook or by crook  tried to suggest  to the Soviet leadership, that movement of troops is performed not to threat to the Soviet Union, but to disperse and to withdraw them from the strikes of English aviation, also for cover of the Rumanian  oilfields from the Englishmen, which disembarked in Greece... And, it is strange,  I.V.Stalin believed these false assertions of Hitler» (volume 1, p.  359 – 360).

 The Soviet leadership  didn’t lost  the last peaceful months, which appeared thanks to resistance of Yugoslavia and Greece. The troops, which we had time to transfer to the frontier,  frustrated «blitzkrieg», gradually turned it into many-years bloody war,  inevitably  involving  the Germans  and in  the winter campaign of 1941/42 years.

   Winter’s fights near Moscow, in spite of all their heaviness, occurred disastrous for the German troops. Germany prepared winter uniform only for 20 per cent of its soldiers. They were contemplated   to remain on the occupied territory for  punitive aims («World history»,  Moscow, 1965, volume 10, p. 93).
   The commander of the 4th German tank group (=army) at 3rd December 1941 year reported to staff of «Center» group of armies:  «The offensive might of corpses on the whole dried  up. The reasons are: physical and moral overstrain, losses of numerous officers, lack of winter uniform». In one battalion of the 20th tank division till 5th January 1942 year from 450 soldiers and officers only 40 remained. Fights and frost-bitten situations mowed down «tried and tested tank equipages» («Military Historical Magazine», 1989, No. 1, p. 43, 53).
   We paid in gold, manganese, chromium, platinum for non-numerous technics, which only began to arrive to us from the USA. This technics also didn’t stand the test of severe winter conditions. For example, on the heavy American fighter «Curtiss P-40B Tomahawk» generators often conked out, oil pipe-lines broke because of sharp lowering of temperature, cameras of undercarriage’s wheels broke, the blend in hydro-system froze. We established our generators and cameras, changed the oil pipe-lines. The 126th fighter air-regiment used these «Curtiss»-aircrafts since 12th October to 15th November 1941 year, made 685 combat air-sorties, defending Moscow and Tver, and shot 17 German aircrafts (A.G.Fyodorov. Aviation in Battle for Moscow. Moscow, 1971, p. 93-94).
   A.A.Novikov, the Air Chief Marshal, remembered, how in November 1941 year near Leningrad our flyers spoke:  «Already we heard enough about these «Tomahawks» and «Kittyhawks». «Tomahawks» are especially «darling gold». They are for hot climate, but we have not cold weathers, but we have the coldest weathers. In those air-units, which fly on  «Tomahawks», technicians  became exhausted» (
А.А.Novikov. In sky of Leningrad. Moscow, 1970, p.  231).
   Against Yugoslavia and Greece there were in action the 4th German air-fleet and 8th air-corps  of Goering’s reserve. After the Battle for Crete  the 4th air-fleet was attached to South group of armies, which attacked the Soviet Ukraine at 22nd June 1941 year, and in 1942 – 1943 years this air-fleet bombarded Stalingrad and Caucasus.  

   Hitler reinforced the 8th air-corps after Crete’s losses and transferred from Greece to Poland, to «Center» group of armies, which  began offensive in the Soviet Belorussia, and later – to «North» group of armies, which constantly  attacked to Leningrad’s direction. At  last, Hitler returned the 8th air-corps to «Center» group of armies before its general offensive to Moscow.   

    All tank and motorized divisions, the main part of heavy artillery and aviation were transferred to our frontiers since the second part of May and in June 1941 year – until to day of beginning of war  (L.M.Sandalov. The first days of war. Military actions of 4th army 22nd June – 10th July 1941 year. Moscow, 1989, p. 20).
   The similar facts there are in A.V.Vladimirsky’s memoirs: «On the Kiev’s direction. By the experience of conducting military actions by troops of the 5th army of the South-Western front in June – September 1941 year» (
Мoscow, 1989, p.. 15, 16, 18, 49).
   The German troops, which were deployed against us on the Ukraine, had experience of successful campaigns. For example, the 1st  Tank group ( (= army) took part in fights in Poland and France and at 13th April 1941 year captured Belgrade, the capital of Yugoslavia.

 The troops of group of armies «South»  were inspected by the high German command from 25th May until to 18th June 1941 year and occupied the point of departure for offensive on the right bank of Bug-river only during night to 22nd June 1941 year. The throwing of members of the Ukrainian Nazi groups to our near-frontier zone became especially appreciable   between 10 and 20 June.   

 Thus, before 22nd June 1941 year Germany wasn’t able to concentrate on our frontiers the necessary forces, which were previously fettered in Yugoslavia and Greece.   To 22nd June  Italy, Finland, Hungary, Rumania, Spain, Croats-Ustashes, Slovakian Catholics, masonry-banker’s regime of Vichy on the south of France, «neutral» Portugal, Turkey, Bulgaria and  Sweden went  subserviently together with Germany.  

  Delay was because of Greece and Yugoslavia, where instead of «blitzkrieg» the fierce battles raged and  grew into  the partisan war.

N. Yu. Selishchev      

(http://www.greecetoday.ru/home/reports/120/, https://ruskline.ru/monitoring_smi/2009/06/29/kak_yugoslaviya_i_greciya_pomogli_nam_nakanune_velikoj_otechestvennoj_vojny,

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